Transforming Your Habits


Are your habits holding you back from where you want to be? 

What stands between you and the life you dream of living?

Are your habits preventing you from making meaningful change that will enhance the quality of your life and take you closer to where you want to be?

Habits are actions that are involuntary. We perform them, often without any conscious thought, in our daily lives. Habits can end up forming part of our identity, so much so that we hardly notice them. They are exhibited in our mannerisms and can end up becoming part of our character. 

Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny
— Gandhi

Habits can be both Positive and Negative

Positive Habits can help us to create a better life for ourselves, they can build and contribute to our character.

Negative Habits can be destructive, they are ever present obstacles to our success and achievement and if left unaddressed can ruin our lives. They can permanently sabotage the positive habits that we have and present obstacles to the efforts we put in to improving ourselves. 

Making a Positive habit does not have to be difficult – our brains are hardwired to take shortcuts and to do what comes naturally to us. While you are telling yourself you want to create new habits, your brain is busy working out how it can revert to your old ways.

There are some steps you can take to creating Positive habits that will enable you to thrive

  • Start Slowly, forming new habits doesn’t happen over night

  • Be Clear what it is that you want to achieve

  • Reward yourself for being successful

  • Eliminate Obstacles from your road to success

  • Use your social network to help and support you

  • Make a commitment to yourself

  • Think long term about how the new habit/behaviour will help you

  • Make it personal to you, It’s no good doing it for someone else. You have to want it for yourself

Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.
— Stephen Covey

The good thing is your habits are not set in stone. Negative Habits can be replaced with Positive Habits.

If you believe that your qualities and habits are unchangeable, you will want to prove yourself right.

Without thinking about it you will take action that will confirm your limiting beliefs, rather than embracing the fact and learning that you can form new habits and create the change that you desire that can propel you to achieve success.


If you would like to transform your habits click the link below.